Tuesday 5 March 2013

TCP/IP Ports

TCP/IP ports are defined by the IANA.

  • 0 - 1023 ---- Well known TCP/IP ports. These ports are reserved for standard TCP/IP network applications and protocols.

  • 1024 - 49151 ---- Registered TCP/IP ports. These ports are reserved for applications that are registered by various corporations. However, many companies today are using the private TCP/IP ports range instead.

  • 49152 - 65535 ---- Private TCP/IP ports. These ports are available for anyone to use. Companies that write network applications typically allow the users to configure the TCP/IP ports manually in this port number range. This is a flexible and reliable solution for most network applications.

Telnet - 23
FTP    - 20, 21
HTTP   - 80,8080
NNTP   - 119
HTTPS  - 443
SMTP   - 25
DNS    - 53
POP    - 110
SSH    - 22
DHCP   - 67,68
SNMP   - 161
BOOTP  - 67, 68
RIP    - 520, 521
NTP    - 123
IRC    - 194
SMB    - 445
Syslog - 514

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