Tuesday 5 March 2013

Full Forms in field of Networking

CCNA     - Cisco Certified Network Associate
CCNP     - Cisco Certified Network Professional
LAN      - Local Area Network
WAN      - Wide Area Network
SAN      - Storage Area Network
IEEE     - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
MAU      - Multiple Access Unit
VLAN     - Virtual Local Area Network
I/O BOX  - Information Output Box
FCC      - Federal Communication Commision
ISP      - Internet Service Provider
TPC      - Twisted Pair Cable
CSMA/CD  - Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Domain
ASIC     - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
CAM      - Content Addressable Memory
MAC      - Media Access Control
OS       - Operating System
IP       - Internet Protocol
RAM      - Random Access Memory
ROM      - Read Only Memory
NVRAM    - Non Volatile Random Access Memory
IOS      - Internetwork Operating System
BRI      - Basic Rate Interface
PRI      - Primary Rate Interface
ISDN     - Integrated Service Digital Network
TIA      - Telecommunication Industries Association
EIA      - Electronic Industries Alliances
UTP      - Unsheilded Twisted Pair
STP      - Sheilded Twisted Pair
FOC      - Fiber Optic Cable
EMI      - Electro Magnetic Interference
OSI      - Open System Interconnection
LLC      - Logical Link Control
SSL      - Secure Socket Layer
DHCP     - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
TELNET   - Telecommunication Network
FTP      - File Transfer Protocol
TCP      - Transmission Control Protocol
ADDS     - Active Directory Domain Service
NETBIOS  - Network Basic Input Output System
DNS      - Domain Name System
DORA     - Discover, Offer, Request,                Acknowledgement
APIPA    - Automatic Private Internet Protocol Address
BOOTP    - Boot Protocol
WINS     - Windows Internet Network Service
HTTP     - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS    - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
NNTP     - Network News Transfer Protocol
SMTP     - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
POP      - Post Office Protocol
IMAP     - Internet Messege Access Protocol
UDP      - User Datagram Protocol
ICMP     - Internet Control Messege Protocol
ARP      - Address Resolution Protocol
RARP     - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
CIDR     - Classless Inter Domain Routing
VLSM     - Variable Length Subnet Mask
POST     - Power On Startup Text
CLI      - Command Line Interface
GUI      - Graphical User Interface
BGP      - Border Gateway Protocol
IANA     - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
NIC      - Network Interface Card
OUI      - Organizational Unique Identifier
WAP      - Wireless Access Protocol
WEP      - Wired Equivalent Privacy
TKIP     - Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
STP      - Spanning Tree Protocol
RSTP     - Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
BPDU     - Bridge Protocol Data Unit
RTF      - Rapid Transitioning to Forwarding
LACP     - Link Aggregation Control Protocol
PAgP     - Port Aggregation Protocol
DTP      - Dynamic Trunking Protocol
CoS      - Class of Service
CRC      - Cyclic Redundancy Check
DIFS     - Distributed Inter frame Space
WLAN     - Wireless Local Area Network
DRS      - Dynamic Rate Shifting
SSID     - Service Set Identifier
WPA      - Wi-Fi Protected Access
VPN      - Virtual Private Network
SSH      - Secure Shell
TLS      - Transport Layer Security
RADIUS   - Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
IDS      - Intrusion Detection System
IPS      - Intrusion Prevention System
Ad Hoc   - Computer to Computer Network
LWAPP    - Light Weight Access Point Protocol
BSS      - Basic Sevice Set
ESS      - Extended Service Set
CUWN     - Cisco Unified Wireless Network
AWPP     - Adaptive Wireless Path Protocol
QoS      - Quality of Service
OTAP     - Over The Air Provisioning
ISR      - Integrated Service Router
ACL      - Access Control List
NAT      - Network Address Translation
DMZ      - Demiliatarized Zone
DoS      - Denial of Service
ISN      - Initial Sequence Number
SQN      - Sequence Number
RSH      - Remote Shell
RCP      - Remote Copy Protocol
PAT      - Port Address Translation
IP Sec   - Internet Protocol Security
DES      - Data Encryption Standard
DCE      - Data Communication Equipment
DTE      - Data Terminal Equipment
EEPROM   - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
RIP      - Routing Information Protocol
AD Value - Administrative Distance
MD5      - Message Digest 5

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